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Metropolitan Oranjestad in January 2018

New Orange City/Oranjestad, a thriving metropolis situated east of the Mainland along the Budapest River and Homestar Bay, stands as a testament to innovation, resilience, and a unique blend of historical legacy and futuristic ambition. Established by Mainland settlers, Orangetown, as it was initially known, transformed over centuries into a sprawling hub of technological advancement and cultural richness. Incorporating diverse neighborhoods, each with its distinct character, New Orange City has experienced numerous phases of growth, shaping its landscape and identity.

From the bustling Hyperloop and Omegaloop systems connecting neighborhoods to the grand structures like the Ring of Kefir and the subterranean wonders of the Dick Hallorann Mega Complex, New Orange City thrives as a testament to human ingenuity and adaptability. The city's journey, from colonial roots to a forward-thinking Technocratic Republic, showcases a commitment to progress, equity, and the harmonious coexistence of tradition and innovation. Explore the depths of New Orange City's history, culture, and technological marvels as it continues to define the future beneath the surface.


See Also: Timeline of Oranjestad

Early History

Over 15,000 years ago, evidence of primitive inhabitants emerged in what is now New Orange City. Decorated bones discovered in caverns beneath Skylan provide a glimpse into their ancient existence. Dating back 8,000 years, the discovery of pottery in Saturn Valley suggests the presence of a more developed civilization, known to scholars as the Saturn civilization. Local legends hint at the enduring presence of these ancient people, believed by some to still inhabit caves in the region.

Around 5,000 years ago, the mythical city of Calantha is now believed to have stood in the very place occupied by New Orange City. Recent excavations have unveiled a network of underground roadways and tunnels, showcasing the advanced stonework of this ancient civilization. The Gates of Oranjestad, remnants of Calanthan society, stand as the sole surface evidence of the city's existence, leaving historians puzzled about its mysterious disappearance.

Between 1100 and 1250, the caverns of Skylan Mountain housed the city of Skylan, founded by Joe the Imaginer. Leading his followers into the mountain, Joe created an isolated community, which eventually faded away. Accessible to this day, the ruins attract curious tourists, providing a tangible link to New Orange City's distant past.

After the collapse of Calantha and Skylan, there is a historical gap until the mid-1600s when hunters and fur trappers frequented the region. In 1654, the Explorer's Guild Inn was established, catering to adventurers exploring the untamed surroundings. By 1739, the ruins of the Inn had fallen into disrepair, but their memory is immortalized in the Explorer's Guild Clocktower in Olde Orangetown.

Origins and Early Settlements (1739 - 1815)

New Orange City traces its roots to the quaint beginnings of Orangetown, founded in 1739 by settlers who had migrated from the Mainland. Initially perceived as a Mainland colony, the mostly absent Mainland exerted minimal control over the burgeoning settlement. The early years were marked by the establishment of Orangetown as a vital outpost, its growth spurred by the determination and resilience of its pioneers.

In 1806, the emergence of a visionary leader, Lord Nebbers the First, marked a significant turning point for Orangetown. Lord Nebbers undertook the arduous task of consolidating local control and establishing the settlement as a self-governing entity. His leadership laid the foundation for a more assertive Orangetown, seeking autonomy and influence.

The pivotal Treaty of Alqualonde, negotiated under Lord Nebbers' guidance, unfolded in 1815. This landmark agreement delineated the redistribution of Mainland holdings, effectively dividing territories with Oranjestad. Orangetown, now a more empowered entity, was granted dominion over Garbanzo, Coda, Etouffee, and Pemmican as part of the treaty terms. This strategic realignment set the stage for Orangetown's trajectory toward becoming a dominant force in the region.

The Treaty of Alqualonde not only altered the geopolitical landscape but also solidified Orangetown's role as a burgeoning hub. The newly acquired territories added layers of cultural diversity and economic potential, shaping the early identity of what would eventually evolve into the vibrant New Orange City. The period leading up to 1815 laid the groundwork for the city's future growth, marking the first steps in a journey that would define its unique character and trajectory through the centuries.

Colonial Expansion (1815 - 1900)

The aftermath of the Treaty of Alqualonde in 1815 heralded a new era of colonial expansion for Orangetown, setting the stage for the transformation of the quaint settlement into a bustling urban center. Buoyed by the acquisition of Garbanzo, Coda, Etouffee, and Pemmican, Orangetown embarked on an ambitious venture to consolidate its influence over other regions.

Under the guidance of Lord Nebbers the First, Orangetown's colonial influence extended to strategic areas. The town of Blackmill, initially purchased by the Summit Fruit Company in 1815, became an official Oranjestad colony in 1837. This move expanded Orangetown's economic reach and solidified its presence in the region.

By the 1880s, Homestead, originally settled in the 1790s, was annexed by Oranjestad, further expanding the city's territorial reach. As the city continued to grow and evolve, the Skylan Industrial Zone emerged in the 1890s, becoming a vital center for industrial development. These strategic expansions laid the groundwork for the dynamic and diverse cityscape that would define New Orange City in the 20th century and beyond.

The Great War and Post-War Reforms (1927 - 1935)

The turbulent period of the Great War, ignited by the clash between the Overtakers (pro-imperialists) and the Liberators (anti-imperialists), significantly shaped the course of Oranjestad's history. In 1927, the distant Kingdom of Fulfwotz spearheaded the conflict, drawing Oranjestad into a complex web of alliances.

Oranjestad, aligning itself with Fulfwotz, provided crucial financial support and weapons during the Great War. The initial stages of the conflict saw success for the Overtaker forces, but the tides began to turn, culminating in the 1929 Occupation of Fulfwotz by the Liberators. The Treaty of Niflheim, signed to end the war, also marked the establishment of the Shire United Nations.

The repercussions of the Great War were deeply felt in Oranjestad. While the political landscape remained relatively stable under the leadership of Lord Nebbers the Fourth, the war caused significant social upheaval and economic strain. The country found itself burdened by considerable debt incurred during its support for the Overtakers. In response to these challenges, the post-war era witnessed the emergence of the first trade unions in Oranjestad, as citizens sought to address economic inequalities and advocate for workers' rights.

In the aftermath of the Great War, the Liberators, victorious but critical of Oranjestad's support for the Overtakers, led to some Mainland politicians demanding the country's reintegration under Mainland control. Despite these pressures, Lord Nebbers the Fourth skillfully navigated the political landscape, maintaining power and initiating transformative changes. To quell dissent and foster a new era of governance, Lord Nebbers drafted a new constitution, reorganizing Oranjestad into a Grand Republic. This constitutional overhaul laid the foundation for a more inclusive and participatory government, addressing the societal shifts brought about by the war and laying the groundwork for a more resilient and adaptive Oranjestad.

Cultural and Architectural Renaissance, Post-War Developments, and Urban Transformation (1900 - 1960s)

The 20th century marked a pivotal period for Oranjestad, witnessing a Cultural and Architectural Renaissance alongside Post-War Developments and Urban Transformation. Emerging from the aftermath of the Great War and aligning with global trends, Oranjestad experienced a profound shift in its cultural, architectural, and urban fabric.

Cultural and Architectural Renaissance

In the aftermath of the Great War, a renewed sense of national identity and unity inspired a Cultural and Architectural Renaissance in Oranjestad. Lord Nebbers the Fourth, steering the nation through a transformative era, encouraged artistic endeavors that blended traditional Oranjestadian elements with contemporary influences. Architecturally, the cityscape evolved with a fusion of modernist principles and cultural preservation. This period saw the birth of distinct architectural styles that set the stage for future developments.

Post-War Developments and Urban Transformation

The aftermath of the Great War prompted strategic Post-War Developments and Urban Transformation initiatives in Oranjestad. The completion of The Sister Grimsby in 1955 symbolized both architectural innovation and economic progress. This period also ushered in the tiered roadway system. The skyline had quickly become entangled in a web of ad hoc skybridges as developers and tenants sought quicker routes between buildings and the elevated Skylan Expressway. The system was eventually formalized and adopted by the city. This transformative period between 1900 and the 1960s laid the foundation for Oranjestad's modern identity, blending cultural richness, architectural innovation, and strategic urban planning in response to the challenges and opportunities of the times.

Technological Advancements and Turbulence (1970s - 2023)

The latter half of the 20th century and the early 21st century brought unprecedented technological advancements and turbulence to Oranjestad. As the world embraced rapid technological progress, Oranjestad found itself at the forefront of innovation and faced challenges that would shape its future.

The 1970s marked the nascent stages of the TechnoCore, the enigmatic entity that originated from experiments by Niander Wallace. The TechnoCore's influence grew steadily, leading to advancements in artificial intelligence, robotics, and trans-dimensional portals.

In 1989, the Shire Spire was completed, ushering in an era of rapid vertical expansion and modern architecture. Ultra modern skyscrapers would soon dominate the skyline, culminating in the completion of Zombocom Tower in 2023, the tallest building in the city.

In 1992, under Lord Nebbers the Fifth, Oranjestad underwent a constitutional reformation, reorganizing itself as a Technocratic Republic. The TechnoCore, alongside other key industries, was granted direct representation within the government. This structural change aimed at fostering collaboration between the government and technological entities.

Decolonization and Geopolitical Shifts (2000 - 2018)

In the early 21st century, New Orange City undertook a deliberate and strategic process of decolonization, responding to both internal aspirations for autonomy and evolving international norms. The decision to decolonize was shaped by a combination of internal calls for self-determination and external pressures urging the dismantling of colonial structures.

International Norms and Pressure

Internationally, there was a growing recognition of the need to address historical injustices associated with colonialism. The global community began to emphasize self-determination and the dismantling of imperialistic structures. New Orange City found itself amidst this shifting geopolitical landscape, where the expectation for former colonial powers to cede control over dependent territories gained prominence.

Strategic Reorganization

To meet the demands of decolonization, New Orange City embarked on a strategic reorganization of its dependencies. The process involved negotiated transfers of ownership, ensuring that each dependent territory found a suitable path to self-governance or integration with other entities. This careful approach mitigated potential disruptions and contributed to a relatively smooth transition.

Early 2000s: Subterranean Expansion

The early 2000s witnessed the groundbreaking ceremony of Neo-Lusus, a significant addition to Oranjestad's underground architectural landscape. Completed in 2016, Neo-Lusus showcased the city's commitment to blending technological advancements with urban aesthetics. Simultaneously, Submerciful expanded with two more subterranean levels, solidifying its status as a proper neighborhood.

TechnoCore Siege of 2023

For a six week period in 2023, a powerful AI from the distant future named God-Emperor Deblon exploited a time fissure deep beneath Oranjestad to send messages and influence modern-day mass media and TechnoCore machines. TechnoCore machines were eventually fully compromised and were powerless to resist Deblon's commands. They seized the city and began to self-replicate and manufacture advanced weaponry from the future. After a daring mission that nearly destroyed the entire city, the TechnoCore was defeated by a commando team led by Lord Nebbers V. Following the conflict, a number of reforms were enacted, a new city banner was unveiled, and the city was renamed New Orange City to celebrate its recovery and rebirth. It's still widely known as Oranjestad, although New Orange City, NOC, and Orange City are now commonly heard as well. Click to read more about the Technocore Siege.


New Orange City operates as a Technocratic Republic, unique in its governance structure that integrates leaders from various industry sectors into its administration. The political landscape is shaped by the interaction of executive, legislative, and judicial branches, emphasizing both technological innovation and broad representation.

The highest executive authority in New Orange City is vested in the ruling Lord, who holds the position of the head of state and government. The current Lord is Lord Nebbers the Fifth. The Lord is supported by a cabinet comprising several ministers, each representing a distinct industry sector. The Lord has the authority to dissolve the legislature, triggering new elections within three months. However, this power has never been exercised, demonstrating the stability and continuity of New Orange City's political system.

One distinctive feature of New Orange City's political structure is the permanent cabinet-level representation of the TechnoCore. As a forefront entity in technological advancements, the TechnoCore plays a pivotal role in shaping policies related to innovation and technology. This integration ensures that the government remains aligned with cutting-edge developments and adapts to the ever-evolving technological landscape.

The House of Representatives, a unicameral legislature, holds legislative power in New Orange City. Comprising sixty members who serve five-year terms, the House reflects a balance of representation from different sectors. Additionally, the Senate, consisting of twenty-one ordinary citizens appointed by the Lord, provides advisory input to the House in the legislative process. This dual representation model aims to incorporate diverse perspectives into the lawmaking process.

New Orange City's judicial system is comprehensive, featuring lower tribunals, district tribunals, and a Superior Court of Justice. The administrative branch has its own Tribunal and Court, contributing to efficient governance. Furthermore, a Constitutional Court addresses issues of constitutionality, ensuring that legal matters align with the principles and values enshrined in the city's constitution.

The political framework of New Orange City combines stability with a proactive approach to technological integration. By incorporating leaders from various sectors and maintaining a strong connection with entities like the TechnoCore, the city positions itself to navigate the challenges and opportunities presented by rapid technological advancements.

Adminstrative Divisions

Oranjestad is divided into 6 departments, which are further divided into 55 zones.

West Metropolitan Oranjestad
Neighborhoods of Metropolitan Oranjestad

West Metropolitan Oranjestad is comprised of 17 administrative zones.

1. Alfa Beach

2. Brahmin Beach

3. Gala

4. Haverhill

5. Homestead

6. Irvington

7. Lusus

8. Meijin Hills

9. Olde Orangetown

10. Saturn Valley

11. Submerciful

12. Summit

13. Skylan

14. Dukeside District

15. Little Beauregard

16. North End

17. Neo-Lusus

East Metropolitan Oranjestad

1. Aboite

2. Pennsy

3. Monon

4. Aeolus Remnants


The Vallachia Department is made up of the five Oranjestad towns that are clustered together in southwestern Vallachia, occupying an area that was once part of the Fraggle Rock Quarry. The Vallachia Department is defunct as of June 2018, after all towns were sold to other parties.

1. Anchorhead Sold to the NSE on May 4 2018

2. Shadynasty: Sold to De Republiek van Oranje en Purpur on May 1 2018

3. Rex Kwon Do Sold to New Venice in June 2018

4. Cosmic Space Worm City Sold to Laurelian on May 4 2018

5. Reeder Sold to the NSE on May 4 2018

Other. Shire Banner Museum Built and maintained by Oranjestad, open to all nations

Colonial Administration

The Colonial Administration oversaw 13 remote villages found throughout the Shire (3 currently, 10 former)

1. Gerlach: Auctioned off to Equos as part of Phase Three of Oranjestad Decolonization, April 30 2018

2. Waldorph: Auctioned off to the NSE as part of Phase Three of Oranjestad Decolonization, April 30 2018

3. Buckingham Green :Auctioned off to the NSE as part of Phase One of Oranjestad Decolonization, April 17 2018

4. Coda :Auctioned off to De Repubiek van Oranje en Paars as part of Phase Three of Oranjestad Decolonization, April 30 2018

5. Big League :Auctioned off to Riverwood (and by extension, Venice) as part of Phase Three of Oranjestad Decolonization, April 30 2018

6. Pemmican :Auctioned off to De Repubiek van Oranje en Paars as part of Phase Two of Oranjestad Decolonization, April 23 2018

7. Voynich :Auctioned off to Solurian Empire as part of Phase Two of Oranjestad Decolonization, April 23 2018

8. Etouffee :Auctioned off to Venice as part of Phase Two of Oranjestad Decolonization, April 23 2018

9. Garbanzo :Auctioned off to the Empire of Geheimnisse as part of Phase One of Oranjestad Decolonization, April 17 2018

10. Blackmill :Auctioned off to Laurelian as part of Phase One of Oranjestad Decolonization, April 17 2018

11. Beef Stew

12. Lanolin

13. Hibiscus

Department of the Interior

The Department of the Interior oversees natural resources, agriculture, and national parks.

1. Leopard Mountains

2. Milliput Farms: Sold to the Solurian Empire on May 2 2018

3. Black Rock Farm: Sold to the Solurian Empire on May 2 2018

4. Dukeside National Park

5. Falsterbro National Park

Special Administrative Zones

Special Administrative Zones fall outside of traditional departments. Public universities and other federal assets are considered SAZs.

1. Havana Havana asserted self-rule as of May 9 2018, ending Oranjestad's brief occupation

2. OAX International Airport

3. College of Minds

4. Brutalpest University

5. Parkview Island

6. Jarreau Plateau

7. Ring of Kefir

8. Netherland

9. Caldwell Hall

10. Bar-U-Bar Agrotronic Center

11. Dick Hallorann Mega Complex


New Orange City stands as a predominantly urban metropolis, with approximately 88% of its residents residing in the bustling heart of the city.

As of the 2020 Census, the city exhibited a diverse age structure. Approximately 6.5% of the population was under the age of five, 24.7% were under the age of 18, and 12.9% of residents were 65 or older. Females constituted 51.8% of the population.

Ancestry and Nationality

According to the 2010-2015 Shireling Community Survey, Mainlanders comprised 13.0% of the population, followed by Venetians at 12.1%, Demmatrodians at 10.3%, Athiticans at 5.4%, and Equosans at 5.2%. Equosans, in particular, represent the fastest-growing nationality, with New Orange City serving as a preferred destination for new Equosan immigrants.

Racial Composition

The racial composition of New Orange City, as per the 2020 Census, showcased a rich tapestry. The majority, 64.7%, identified as Human. Sammichians constituted 14.9%, Enpeecees made up 7.3%, Shai represented 1.5%, and other races contributed 7.4%.


According to the Association of Religion Data Archives (ARDA), the New Church of Squarism holds the distinction of being the largest religious denomination in New Orange City. This is followed by the Church of the Third Revelation as the second-largest denomination, and the United Revenant Church claims the third spot.

New Orange's commitment to religious freedom is enshrined in its constitution. The government, bound by the principles of pluralism and equality, safeguards the right of every individual to practice their chosen faith. The constitution explicitly prohibits the establishment of an official state religion, ensuring that the government remains neutral in matters of faith.

The government takes a hands-off approach to religious matters, emphasizing non-interference in the practice of faith. This policy ensures that citizens are free to worship without fear of persecution or discrimination.

New Orange City actively promotes interfaith harmony, encouraging dialogue and cooperation among different religious communities. Various religious festivals, events, and initiatives contribute to the shared cultural experience.


New Orange City's economy has been a pivotal player in the global economic landscape since the 1960s. As a dynamic hub for banking, finance, and communication, the city magnetically draws some of the world's largest corporations, establishing their headquarters within its bustling districts. This economic magnetism positions New Orange City as a key player on the international stage.

The nation boasts a robust and diverse manufacturing sector, encompassing crucial industries such as printing and publishing, textile production, and high-tech manufacturing. This diversity not only fuels local employment but also contributes significantly to the city's economic resilience.

New Orange City also stands as a major tourism destination, enticing visitors with its array of attractions. From sun-kissed beaches to historical landmarks and vibrant cultural festivals, the city offers a rich tapestry of experiences. The tourism sector plays a pivotal role in the local economy, bolstered by the city's efforts to cultivate a welcoming environment for both domestic and international visitors.

New Orange City's economic landscape is characterized by its dynamism, where traditional industries seamlessly integrate with emerging sectors. The city's strategic emphasis on remaining at the forefront of technological advancements and fostering innovation positions it as a forward-looking economic powerhouse. As a magnet for major corporations, New Orange City's influence resonates globally, contributing to its reputation as a prime destination for business and commerce.

Behind The Scenes

Oranjestad was created by Nebbers in June 2012 as part of an "Infrastructure Build Competition". The original BC plot encompassed a small block area that currently straddles over the northern edge of where Summit and Olde Orangetown meet. The plot included a raised highway, power lines, a rail line, police, public housing, canals, sewers, and bridges. After the competition was over, the plot was relocated to its present location. From there, the city expanded outward. Many of the first buildings were copies of other Shire buildings, with several being built by Keikei and Shanevr. Today, almost all the buildings are original creations, with exception to a few in the Olde Orangetown area.

The tiers grew as a result of the raised highway. Roads would spur out from the highway and connect directly into tall buildings nearby. Over time, this networked into an entire tier system. Tier 3, 4, and 5 were added later, and underground layers were also added for additional complexity. Oranjestad was purposefully designed to be a dense, multi-layered city full of complex features and abound with details and hidden gems.

The land Oranjestad is on was once home to The Explorers Guild, a small outpost created by RapidRaccoon.
