Zal Industries

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Zal Industries is a Arbemaisonnese company that produces many things. In Arbemaisonnes they mainly produce pipe organs in the organ factory. Zal Industries was founded in 1727, and the first product they made were tools for builders. In 1810 they started expanding and started selling chairs, tables, cabinets and closets as well. In 1925 they bought several old companies including Crenelles but got rid of most of them at the end of the century. Only Crenelles remains.

Zal Industries has recently bought Delareaux Potions as well in July of 2021

Locations and Branches

  • Zal Industries Terraforming Service (on HQ island)
  • Zal Industries Construction Service (on HQ island)
  • Zal Industries Infrastructure
  • Zal Industries Festival Planning Department (on HQ island)
  • Zal Industries Music Studio
  • Pipe Organ Factory (Arbemaisonnes)
  • Crenelles Cannons & Gunpowder (Arbemaisonnes)
  • Delareaux Potions (Arbemaisonnes)
  • Beachside Bar (To'ufenua)
  • Café (To'ufenua)
  • Zal Industries Zenophalia, STSI
  • RSFC Racing
  • Coconut Islands, acquired from Kiwimango Co as of 25th of July 2023
  • Café at FridayFunLand
  • LawCo, with lawyer Alexander T. Torney.

Plans and Projects

  • Zal Industries is in charge of the construction of a theater in Arbemaisonnes that will replace the Nighthouse.
  • Zal Industries is currently constructing its HQ on HQ island near King's Peninsula.
  • A resort and RSFC track on the Coconut Islands

Small Town Support Initiative

The Small Town Support Initiative is a program by Zal Industries that is supposed to aid new and upcoming towns in their development. This is done by establishing a secondary HQ in said towns that have a couple of departments, depending on what town it is.

The towns under STSI are:

  • Zenophalia, with ZI Terraforming Service, ZI Construction Service and ZI Infrastructure.


  • Players
    • Zalidia, CEO and founder.
    • Foxytisy, co-owner of RSFC
  • Notorious employees
    • Alexander Thomas Torney, founder of LawCo
  • Notorious former employees or important people
    • Dr. N. Passant, rogue scientist
    • Davie Crenelles †, founder of Crenelles
    • Joseph Delareaux Jr. †, founder of Delareaux Potions.