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Demmatrodine in December 2023

The Demmatrodine is a sprawling landmass that extends as a large peninsula southwest of Oldeshire. Surrounded by the Southern Sea on nearly all sides— northeast, east, south, and west— it forms a distinctive region defined by diverse landscapes.

Geographical Features

The land's character varies significantly but predominantly features arid expanses, especially in the central west and east, with open deserts and sparse acacia steppes. To the north lies thick jungles and the imposing Alturas-Santos Mountains. Deciduous forests flourish in the far south, while an isolated peninsula in the northeast boasts coniferous forests and glaciers.

The steep Alturas-Santos Mountains to the north provide a natural barrier and a striking visual contrast to the arid landscapes. These mountains not only shape the region's climate but also help shelter the Fulfwotz metropolitan area.

Enderfulf Bay, an extension of the southern sea, brings maritime influences deep into the heart of the region. The bay serves as a strategic waterway, influencing trade routes and the development of coastal settlements such as New Enderton and Fulfwotz.

The central arid expanse dominated by open deserts and acacia steppes characterizes the heart of the Demmatrodine. This landscape poses both challenges and opportunities for the communities residing there, influencing their lifestyles and economic activities.

The isolated peninsula in the far northeast, adorned with coniferous forests and glaciers, offers a stark contrast to the predominant arid surroundings.

In the southwest, Mount Mekjloka, an active volcano, serves as both a geological wonder and a potential threat. Its eruptions have shaped the local landscape and, at times, influenced settlement patterns.

Settlements and Political Dynamics

At the heart of the Demmatrodine lies Fulfwotz, the largest city and the seat of power for the New Sammichian Empire. Centrally located, it exercises significant political control over much of the Demmatrodine. The empire's policies, governance, and decisions play a pivotal role in shaping the region's political landscape. Fulfwotz's dominance extends beyond politics to economic affairs. The concentration of industries, markets, and financial institutions within the city establishes a hierarchical economic structure, impacting the prosperity of surrounding settlements.

The presence of Chancellor Prey in Summerstone and Chancellor Ender in Greenvale introduces localized political influence by the New Sammichian Empire. These chancellors, residing in smaller communities, bridge the gap between the central power in Fulfwotz and the everyday lives of the people.


Communities in the Demmatrodine exist in relative isolation, with sparse road networks connecting them. This isolation influences local governance and community dynamics, as these settlements operate with a degree of independence from one another.

The Cerelia Line and Empire Line serve as vital transportation arteries and not only connect several settlements internally but also integrate the region into the broader Shire.

Enderfulf Bay also bustles with maritime activity, providing a vital lifeline for Fulfwotz and New Enderton.

Major Settlements

  • Fulfwotz: - Dominating the region, Fulfwotz is not only the largest city but also the political and economic epicenter as the capital of the New Sammichian Empire.
  • New Enderton: - A bustling shipping port within Fulfwotz's metropolitan expanse, New Enderton serves as a key hub for maritime trade.
  • Atheos: - Known as an awe-inspiring cathedral, Atheos stands out with a towering dome that reaches an impressive 140 meters from the ground floor.
  • Bucketheadland: - Northeast of Fulfwotz, Bucketheadland offers a whimsical escape as a theme park, adding a touch of amusement to the region.
  • Holy City of Sravasti: - Nestled in the picturesque desert, Sravasti is characterized by well-maintained medieval city walls and a prominent mosque.
  • Albast: - A small town with ambitious aspirations, Albast sits in the far south.
  • Summerstone: - Governed by the Sammichians, Summerstone is a quaint hillside village and home to Chancellor Prey.
  • Greenvale: - Another Sammichian-controlled village, Greenvale, is notable for being the residence of Chancellor Ender.