Timber Stone Town

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Timber Stone Town is a historic community located in southern Oldeshire, positioned to the south of Minas Tirith and east of Riverside. Founded by Paul_96L, this charming town is renowned for its rich history, marked by its old city wall that partially encloses its southern and eastern boundaries, as well as its bustling river port.

The heart of Timber Stone Town consists of a collection of ten distinctive homes, each contributing to the town's unique character. The dockyards, a hub of activity, facilitate trade and transportation along the river. Additionally, a well-maintained horse stable serves the needs of the local residents and visitors.

Religion holds a significant place in Timber Stone Town, as evidenced by the elegant White Chapel Church that graces the community. Here, residents gather for spiritual reflection and communal unity.

Among the vital establishments in the town is the Timber Stone Blacksmith, where skilled craftsmen practice their trade, serving the needs of the local populace and contributing to the town's self-sufficiency.