Application Process

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When you first join our server, you will have the rank of Gaijin. This rank is given to all visitors of the Shire and people logging on for the first time.


To rank up and obtain permission to build, you must apply for membership.


If a staff member chooses to accept your application, then congratulations! Here's the information you need to get going:

Tyrule World

You may now build in our "Tyrule" world (command: /warp Tyrule) where you'll find everything you need to show us your style and skill level and hopefully join us in the main world.

Treat this like an audition: if we like what you create, then you'll be able to do even more on the server. For a taste of what you get when you rank up, please visit

Getting Started

Important information about getting started:

  1. Building materials may be found below the Tyrule spawn. To get to the materials area, warp to 'Tyrule' (/warp Tyrule). Right-click the "[Free]" signs, or use the buttons, to receive the materials you'd like to work with.
  2. All tools and enchantments can be found by staircases in the materials area. Just right click the signs for the tools, and then with the tool equipped, right click the enchantment signs
  3. Claim a plot using this command: /plot auto (To get back to your plot, use this command: /plot home)
  4. Your Tyrule build does not have to be huge or elaborate. Just something that gives us an idea of your style and skill level


Please feel free to ask us any questions either on the forums or in game. We're happy to help. And if you need assistance from a staff member, we're the folks with either blue or gold titles.

Please Note

If you haven't logged onto the server yet, you'll have to ask a staff member for your Tyrule ranking when you log on for the first time. If you've already logged onto the server, your Tyrule ranking should appear shortly.

See Also

Ready to apply? Visit our application form.